Astrology/Akashic Records Readings

*Currently taking a short break. Scroll down for waitlist information

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Unlock Your Divine Design

“Time moves slow when half of your heart has yet to come home.”
Sleeping At Last- "West"

For those who can hear their heart’s call like a whisper on the wind, but aren’t quite sure how to welcome it back home.


For those who’ve tried to create “successful” lives according to the societal scripts we’ve been given, only to find that they often either flat out don’t work for us or that leave us feeling empty and run down instead of fulfilled.


For those who have been tasked with creating our own maps.


It can be incredibly challenging to know which way to turn when all the conventional guidance we’ve received doesn’t create the results that we want to see in our lives.


In the midst of these frustrating situations, astrology and the Akashic Records have been powerful resources in transforming both my personal life and the lives of my clients. The gifts that these tools offer are perfectly encapsulated by “Sigh No More” by Mumford and Sons.

“Love that will not betray you, dismay or enslave you. It will set you free. Be more like the man you were made to be. There is a design, an alignment, a cry, of my heart to see The beauty of love as it was made to be.”
Mumford and Sons - "Sigh No More"

Astrology and the Akashic Records are two Uranian tools that I combine to illuminate your Divine Design.

Knowing who you are on a soul-level (not just the person the world has conditioned you to be!) allows you to make intentional choices that align with this inner blueprint to create a life that feels like a love letter to all of who you are.

Whether the “love” you’re looking for is a relationship with self that isn’t marked by self-betrayal, meaningful relationships with family, friends and/or lovers, or a career that aligns with your deepest sense of purpose, these tools can help bring your dreams into reality.

In my work with these two tools (both professionally and personally), I’ve seen transformative results, including:

In my own life, I once moved through a period of experiencing frequent harm while working for other people’s businesses and organizations.

All of the bait-and-switches, boundary crossing, and betrayals/manipulations were weighing heavy on my spirit (and my bank account!).

My work within my birth chart-inspired Akashic Record offered me both words of comfort and specific guidance on what I needed to do next at important junctures of the road during times of professional upheaval and transition.

Having my Divine Design revealed to me helped me understand that there’s a sacred task beyond all of these 3D roles that I was hired for that I MUST do in order to access the vision I’ve been given of my life well-lived.

One where I am treated with the respect that I deserve. One where what I have to offer is appreciated and paid fairly.

This work illuminated that every instance of a dishonoring work situation was a Divine Redirection, not due to a lack of worthiness or skill, but in reality, because of the specific skills I was given by Divine to be put into immediate use.

Despite my money fears, despite what others might think of me.

I can’t convey enough just how much I needed this perspective to support me in moving through my own shame about this cyclical pattern in my life to be able to see on a deeper level than ever before, that these experiences were ones of deliverance, not personal failure. It’s Divine providing me with another opportunity to choose to walk the path I was designed for, instead of resigning to a life of playing small for other people’s benefit, at my experience.

This modality is a deeply empowering one, designed to help you move beyond who others want you to be into unlocking the fullness of who you were designed to be. 

Interestingly enough, another thing the Akashic Records meets astrology readings does well is define limitations.

Sometimes, in asking about certain astrological placements/situations, I’ll hear that right now isn’t the time to access the deepest level of fulfillment possible in that area of life.

Meaning, it’s not that this level of fulfillment isn’t ever possible, moreso that it’s just not currently available. Instead, the Divinely appointed time for this wish is further down the line. 

I deeply believe that it’s not possible to have a soul-led conversation about manifestation without also discussing limitations, as to me they are different sides of the same coin.

I define manifestation as being able to create desired results in your life that have been willed to you through your Divine Design.

This distinction is important to me because I often feel current connotations of manifestation can be vanity-led desires for an “Instagrammable” life of luxury with no limitations, no difficulty, and no challenges. And when our lived reality doesn’t match this desired social media highlight reel, we can be really hard on ourselves for not “manifesting” a perfect life.

And on the flip side, I also believe that achieving desired outcomes in our lives isn’t something that we do on our own either, even when we accomplish things individually, ie without the help of another human being.

In all things, we are receiving support from Divine, whether we are aware of this help or not, that allows us to utilize who we were designed to be to create all that was already meant for us. 

Life is a dynamic interplay between our Divinely Designed limitations and gifts.

Learning what these limitations are and how to accept/work within the limits we’ve been given by God and learning how to rise to meet the challenge of all we have the potential to grow into is where the real magic happens.

It’s not always rainbows, sometimes life is just plain hard. What we create within the space of our limitations is where life gets interesting, and where this specific reading is uniquely positioned to support your path forward.

What is Astrology?

Astrology is the umbrella term for the various charts that you can make that are modeled after planetary placements to provide in-depth information regarding how to best approach different aspects of life.

The birth chart (sometimes called the natal chart) is the chart specifically used for individuals that takes the placement of the planets at the exact moment of your birth to provide you with guidance regarding skillful ways to navigate your unique life. 

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are an extensive energetic library that carries within it the history, current reality, and potential futures of every soul.

In my 6 years of studying various psychic tools and using them to perform readings, I’ve found that each tool lends itself well to different scopes.

For example, I find tarot more useful for quick energetic check-ins, but for reflecting on a large scope like important life themes, the birth chart and Akashic Records are my go-to’s.

Having practiced both astrology and Akashic Record readings as individual services first before combining the two, I now see the way that utilizing both tools together amplifies their inherent strengths and fills in the gaps of their individual limitations.

While the birth chart is an excellent tool for identifying your cosmic lesson plan for this lifetime because of the way it highlights your potential gifts and challenges in symbolic/archetypal terms and does a remarkable job at specifically reflecting back to clients in what life areas their life energy is best spent, astrology can feel tricky to apply when you’re feeling stuck in certain life situations.

For example, learning that a client has Pluto in their 4th house tells me that specific themes/processes are at work in their relationships with home and family.

But even the most skilled astrologer (using the birth chart alone) can’t tell you specifically how exactly that presents itself in your life (abusive family dynamics, family secrets, a love for privacy/cave-like spaces, and/or a need for power/control at home?) or how skillfully you’re navigating this process without speaking to you first, because the chart itself tells the practitioner where to look but not how the client is currently in relationship with that planetary process in that area of life.

This need for conversation is particularly challenging when, like Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”.

When the most meaningful way of getting your birth chart done requires a consultation between you and your astrologer to discuss what’s going on for you, you’re at the mercy of both your current level of understanding and the experience level of your astrologer.

When breakthrough often requires a change in how you currently perceive your challenges alongside specific action steps, the birth chart alone can be a difficult place to find the answers that you need.

The Akashic Records are an incredible storehouse of your soul’s Higher Wisdom.

Using the records as a spiritual tool allows me to channel information from a perspective that exceeds my current level of understanding and instead gives me the information from your Higher Self about how to best serve you.

Because the records are so vast in covering so many lifetimes and don’t come with the organizational system that astrology does (like the houses of astrology), there are more and less helpful ways to use information from the records.

For instance, learning who you were 7 lifetimes ago may not be very helpful when your current most pressing issue in this lifetime is how to establish financial self-sufficiency.

Melding Magic: The Power of Astrology and Akashic Records Combined

I found the most potent usefulness by using the birth chart as an energetic treasure map that specifies where to look within your Akashic Record in order to channel both the necessary perspective and specific action steps required to see the desired changes in your life.

It’s like the birth chart identifies which beaches have gold, then I use the Akashic Records like a metal detector to hone in more deeply on what information would best serve you overall by “interviewing” your planets, aspect patterns, and other astrological placements on how you can experience more fulfillment in life by leveraging who you’ve been designed to be.

This allows me to translate astrological symbols into direct messages from Divine to you.

My Akashic Record Training

I have trained with both Anna Sayce and Andrea Hess on how to conduct akashic record readings.

Each of their work has informed my process, but along the way of learning their methods, my soul “remembered” how I do Akashic Records work.

I then tested my method to see if I could get consistently clear results for both myself and others, specifically those I knew absolutely nothing about so that I could ensure I was genuinely channeling information as opposed to regurgitating what I already knew about someone in my life.

With each client that was a stranger to me, I received the feedback that they each felt like I had a conversation with their soul! And in truth, I did, through learning from their record.

That beginning experience alongside transformative results from the work I’ve done in my own record definitely set the stage for my deep love of this work.

My Akashic Record Process

While both of the teachers I named above use and teach accessing Akashic Record information using pendulum dowsing, I’ve found through the above testing that I get much more in-depth results by channeling directly, without using pendulums.

My Astrology Training and Experience

I’ve spent thousands of hours over the years learning all that I can about astrology. Through self-study (reading lots of books and blogs) to taking astrology classes, I really honed my skills. I started with my own chart and doing chart readings for friends, who encouraged me to take the leap to start offering paid astrology readings. I then conducted readings at a spiritual bookstore and offered my own readings as well. Last year, I created an astro-activism online course that was endorsed by Steven Forrest, author of The Inner Sky, founder of Evolutionary Astrology, and a significant influence on my work! He had this to say about my course,

Is astrology just another form of egocentric navel-gazing? It can be!

But if you are interested in both astrology and in changing the world, I highly recommend this course of study offered by Melanie.

The curriculum offers values which are so often missing from mainstream astrological offerings – a sense of community and a corresponding sense of social responsibility.

Practical pointers about personal growth abound, but in these teachings, we never lose sight of compassionate engagement with the suffering of the world, nor our sense of how we might empower ourselves to actually do something about it.
Steven Forrest
Author of "The Inner Sky", Founder of Evolutionary Astrology

Reading Logistics

If you would like to receive an Astrology/Akashic Records reading from me, after purchasing the reading I’ll follow up with you by email within 24 hours to receive your birth info (including your time of birth) and ask for information about a specific situation that you’d like to receive guidance on or an area of life where you’d like to experience more fulfillment.

You’ll also be told when you can expect to receive your reading by. (Current estimated turnaround time is about two weeks).

I then conduct the reading independently (for about 6-8 hours), using both your birth chart and the Akashic Records to prepare a written report that is typically around 10 pages long, describing your Divine Design in-depth and providing insight into the specific situation that you asked for guidance around as well.

Once this is prepared, I deliver the reading to you via email, alongside a copy of your birth chart.

*I am taking a short break from offering these readings. If you’d like to join my waitlist, email me at to receive an email when my readings reopen, using “Waitlist” in the subject line. Thank you!